2nd WOMCOM Residency: 17 September – 1 October 2023

Zánka (Lake Balaton) & Budapest, Hungary

From 17 September to 1 October 2023, Women Power in Comics will host its second artist-in-residence programme at both Lake Balaton in Zánka and Budapest, Hungary, organised by the Bakelit Multi Art Center. This residency is intended for comic artists who seek a break from urban settings and collaborate with local artists from the vibrant comics and zine community, and interested in exploring how performing arts, particularly dance and movement, can be integrated into illustration and comics.

During this residency, participating artists will work on their personal projects while also engaging in regular collaborative sessions. The twelve residents will share their time between Zánka, a town by Hungary's largest lake, Balaton, and Budapest. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to explore the comics-related programmes of the PesText festival in Budapest.

Under the guidance of mentors Márton Hegedűs, a comic book artist, graphic designer, and animation film director, and Dr. Eszter Szép, an instuctor in comics, visual culture, and creative writing, residents will create new works inspired by WOMCOM’s key topics, challenging stereotypical perceptions of women in comics. In parallel, they will investigate how movement and dance can influence comic creations and illustrations. For this aspect of the residency, contemporary dance artist Márta Ladjánszki will conduct occasional dance/movement sessions. These workshops do not require prior dance training or qualifications, as they use movement and music as tools for generating creative ideas.

Following the residency, the artists will exhibit their works in a group show at the Bakelit Multi Art Center on 30 September.